Friday, December 4, 2009

it's time to SHOUT OUT!

(shouldn't we ALL be funky, fierce and fabulous!!!)

Today is the day that i give 3 Shout Outs to those lovely blog friends that inspire me, make me laugh, create beautifully, write beautifully, take beautiful pictures, etc... etc... etc... so without further ado...SHOUTIN OUT TO:

Danielle who's creative prowess is endless!!! She is so creative and kind and I was fortunate enough to meet her at the retreat i attended in October. Watch for her shop opening very soon...Wish Bliss Studio on Etsy. I cannot wait...she is on her way to great creative successes!!!

Charmaine who paints these gorgeous, sexy, beautiful women and also passes on some great music for me to check out! She is currently up for an award to have one her lovelies grace the wine labels for an Ontario winery. I cannot imagine hers not getting deserving...go visit her blog and check it out!

Elizabeth who takes the most beautiful pictures and shares her stories so perfectly...go check it out. She is an angel and was right there next to me the entire time at Be Present Retreats when i was trying to comprehend the fact that I am in Oregon and my son is being rushed to the hospital back home. Thank you dear will NEVER know how much that meant to me. xoxox

so when you're out and about in blog land...go visit these sweet souls and tell em who sent ya!!
Peace and Love!! xoxoxox

oh more thing...i LOVED every one's comments regarding the infamous Fruit Cake...and in case you were wondering i still haven't gotten that cold, frosty A&W Root beer i was craving 2 days ago!!


  1. dearest...LOVING your fabulous and fierce heartwing sister. missing you. love the babes you picked for shout out. i'll have to check out charmaine. i went to the tempe festival of arts today and wished wished wished you were with me. i DID get you a tiny christmas surprise, but don't know if i can wait till christmas to send it. make your picks, settle in tomorrow and love your family.
    love you tons

  2. she is beautifully fierce, funky, and fabulous. love her.

    thank you for the shout out, dear one. You made me teary. Thank you for the kind words .. I am glad I was there.

  3. lovely women, lovely art thank you so much for sharing!


i heart love notes....