Tuesday, November 9, 2010

...day 9 gratitude image

i try to count my blessings every
single day....
and my amazing mom in law is amongst
those blessings.

she is a woman that i strive to be more like.
she is strong and smart and funny and creative
and kind and loving and generous and beautiful...
i could go on and on.

she is Italian through and through and can
cook and bake like nobody's business!!!
tonight she had my dad in law drop
off this DEEEE-LICIOUS lasagna to
us for dinner.
(she could put many restaurants
to shame....SOOOO good!!)

i am so grateful today for my italian mama in law
and her fabulous cooking!!!!



  1. yum!!!!
    oh, the lovegift in cooking
    (which i remember being so moved
    by at the cabin too!!).
    lots of love to you, dear kolleen!

  2. Moms are wonderful....does she share recipes? The lasagna looks delish!

  3. Lucky you - that looks dee-vine!!!

  4. Yum! What a sweet lady! I'm sure she loves you just like you love her!

  5. Oh, how I love hearing your loving words about your MIL. What a gift she must be to your family. It's really nice to read something so positive tonight. Thank you for that.

    P.S. I feel connected to your heart through your writing.

  6. Nice! I have one of those too :)


i heart love notes....