my sweet, beloved grandma
went to sleep with the angels
this morning around 9:40.
she had been hanging on for
a while now and we all knew it was
simply a matter of time.
i dreamt of her last night....
we talked, said several
"i love yous", hugged and kissed.
she held my "SEEK" painting
in her hands.....tenderly
looking at it.
it was BEAUTIFUL and i felt
a big blanket of comfort
enveloping me
and the absolute sureness
of knowing
"she really really loves me".
i knew it was her way of
coming to me and saying goodbye.
i'm the only one in my family
that lives far away and the last couple
of days have been hard for me....
a feeling of helplessness
knowing i am here
and everyone
else is there.
i am ever so grateful
for that dream...
for that time shared just between her and i.
she was really somethin special!!!!
a total kick in the pants...
probably one of the biggest
(if not...the biggest)
cubs fans i have ever known,
a lover of coca-cola classic,
a social bug,
someone who never forgot a name,
a wonderful cook
(her homemade noodles were to die for!),
creative in so many ways,
hard worker,
lover of her sweet little yorkies
and someone who loved her
family unconditionally.
i will miss her with all that i am,
but i know she is in a better place.
and i am so much better for having her
as my grandma....
and i know
we will meet again.
thank you all for visiting me....
your friendship means the world to me.
i will be heading back home to illinois
to be with my family.
wishing you all a wonderful holiday weekend
please be safe and
sending love