(painting done many months ago
inspired by a conversation with my husband)
do you ever have trouble reaching out
to others when you may need help?
may need to talk?
may need a hug?
or simply need to have someone by your side so you are not alone?
i know for me i struggle at times with asking for "help"....
always trying to be strong and doing it all on my own.
but as i have gotten older and a little wiser (i hope)....
and being married to someone who faced (what i would imagine)
THEE hardest thing imaginable....
i have learned a thing or two....
i have learned it IS okay to ask for help
i have learned that those who REALLY know us....
will just show up.
they will show up without us asking.
they will show up no matter what may be going on in their life.
they simply seem to know
"sometimes you just need to show up."
we have friends like that who i am forever grateful for.
who helped take care of things that i just
couldn't take care of this past week...
having to pick up and go back home for two funerals.
they "showed up" and just did those things that needed to get done.
who are you showing up for these days??
(and remember, sometimes
we need to know how to read between the
lines for those who will
never ask us to show up!)
one last thing......
Dearest Heartwinged Sister, I'm in LOVE with your sweet painting! And you are so right about all that you said. Sometimes I fear asking for help, thinking it will be a burden to whoever I'm asking. I love those certain people who "show up" and "just know." I'm learning I need to keep showing up for myself in my own life, or else I won't be able to do the same in return! Thank you for the reminder. . . You're an amazing soul.
ReplyDeleteSending you even more love, hugs, and prayers.
Kolleen amor, this painting is so beautiful and inspired, just like you amor! I wish like so many others that love & care for you, that heartbreak like losing someone we love was something no of us had to ever bear...but life sadly doesn't work like that, but we can be there for you, to give you a hug, a helping hand where ever it is needed, sometimes just to sit with you and listen...If I was there,I would give you huge hugs, but since I am not...I send you my heartfelt love, friendship & understanding :) Take care my you & your amores, my sweet bella :) Besos, Rose
ReplyDeleteNow words - just sending you love and huge hugs. ♥♥
ReplyDeleteMy Sweet friend, you are so right and your wisdom sits with me..I believe as females we tend to want to take care of everyone and the thought of letting someone take care of us just goes against our role..Its a learned behavior versus a natural one...You are absolutely correct that we need to let people help us and let them show up for us..It good for everyone.the receiver and the giver...Love you my sweet friend and I send you a big blogger kiss....
ReplyDeleteWhen my father died, all my friends appeared and it was really touching. I thank them for that...
ReplyDeleteLike you I like to do everything alone but sometimes, I need someone at my side.
dearest k, it is so hard for me too!/i've leaned heavily in my life on my own showing up & less on others..but have also heart-hugely reveled when others do show-up. i'm now wondering what this big thing of your husband's was that you're referencing/sending love across space & time to what ever that place is! & i ADORE your painting!!!! big love to you!! xoxox
ReplyDeleteDear Kolleen, I am so sorry for your lost. You are so right with "Showing Up".
ReplyDeleteIt means so much when dear souls in our lives just know when to show up......because it's so hard to ask for their support.
Your picture symbolizes this perfectly.
I will say a pray for you and your family
Kolleen, your painting is so lovely. I am sorry to hear of the passing of your grandmother. I struggle with asking for help, this is a big struggle for me. But you are right that those that know us will just show up. That is a pleasure to remember.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the bday wishes! I was going to let this bday pass without gestures, but on a whim I mentioned it on my blog and was so pleased to find birthday wishes there this morning. It certainly brightened my day!
I have a hard time asking. I think it's because I forget that people are sovereign beings and can say no if needed. I just remember being asked .. when asking meant that you didn't have a choice so you weren't really being asked at all .. and I don't want to put people in that position. It's a slow learning process.
ReplyDeleteLove you.
I love this, what a wonderful message~ I, also
ReplyDeletestruggle with this! You are in my thoughts xXx
yes- thank god for the just showing up kind of friends! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that you had the support of good friends who cared enough, knew you enough, to show up.
ReplyDeleteI'm always amazed at how hard it is to ask for help and then I'm surprised when other people struggle with it as well. I always think it's just me. Asking is important, showing up is also important.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother's passing. I hope you can enjoy many wonderful memories and find some comfort in them.
i love your post, kolleen!
ReplyDeleteyes, just showing up...that is so wise.
just being there...being present. so important in times of need.
so glad you have those angels to help you through times of loss.
ReplyDeletethanks for this post.
i NEEDED it.
i have been "absent" in much of my life lately.
it was really food for thought for me!
i love and adore you.
love hearing this! just absolutely beautiful! thank you so much for sharing this!
ReplyDeletebest wishes!
I love the painting! These days I'm showing up for myself and trying to just relax and stay in the moment. When I'm there for me, I'm so much better for everyone else :)
ReplyDeleteKolleen, I am so sorry to hear about your grandma. I am sending you big hugs and much love. I wish you peace and bubble baths while your heart hurts.