Thursday, September 3, 2009


WHAT DO YOU WISH FOR??? What do you dream for, hope for, pray for???

I wish for...and dream for...and hope for...and pray for:

i am just going to list a me, there are MANY more...

* good health for myself and all those around me
* laughter, love, dreams coming true for my children
* happiness for my husband...and some peace with regard to business
* goodness to shine down on my family & friends

Now a few of the scarier ones to actually write down and put out there into our universe...

* courage to open an etsy shop
* belief in my ideas and my ability to create
* the know how to bring my copyrighted idea into fruition
* less worry about what others may think of art, my ideas, dreams, visions.
* educate myself further and gain much more understanding of my precious step-son Chandler and the ins and outs of autism.
* less fear about..................EVERYTHING!!

Those are just a few of my wishes....there will be more to come!! Right now...I wish for everyone to have a lovely holiday weekend and to spend it, simply as you wish!!
oh one more thing...wanted to briefly explain how my painting came about. She was born during my mom's visit over the last month when I read the sweet note she left for my youngest reciting "Star light, star bright". So she wants to remind us all...REMEMBER TO WISH!! xoxoxoxo


  1. You don't need courage sweet K. Just do it. Go for it.

    Love Renee xoxo

  2. Remember what you told me about starting my own blog? JUST DO IT! I expect to see a link to the HEART WING SISTERS etsy shop soon! "sometimes we just have to jump and learn to build our wings on the way down!" ...or "UP" as I like to say!

  3. You're so sweet! I love this post, and I share most of your wishes. I believe that if you really wish something with all your heart and have the passion for it, you can do it! I'm sure you'll do great at your Etsy shop! Your work is so cute!!
    Hope you're having a lovely weekend on the beach and thanks for the sweet comment on my blog! It means a lot to me :)
    I love your blog too ♥

  4. you are already sharing your art on here, so take the next step :)
    It doesn't always go smoothly- I haven't had a sale for ages and I am beginning to doubt my ability- but at least I am trying!

  5. How exciting- you are on your way. Can't wait to see your shop :)


i heart love notes....