Tuesday, September 1, 2009


cravings...we all have em, right?!?! whether it is food, people, music, inspiration, art, reading, companionship, alone time, laughter, LOVE, etc... etc...
WELL... for me, today, in this moment...the pic to the left says it all!!!! Y.U.M.M.Y.
i have also listed a few other cravings that have been met for me lately!
such as...

this movie...really inspiring! think i am going to cook something new tonight...just gonna GO FOR IT! Thank you to my hubby for sitting through it with me...you are a prince! and
this song... have you ever had that person...that person you felt invincible when you were with them but maybe couldn't find the words to describe it?!?! this song may do just that. i've completely fallen in love with it! Take a listen!
hangin out with my little monkey. watching the dodgers win!!! andenjoying this beautiful sunset! i actually think i took a pretty good photo!! SOOOOOOO.....out there in blog land...what are YOU craving?


  1. K you and your little monkey are very beautiful. Your eyes are incredible.


  2. Such a cute picture of you and your daughter. I really want to see Julie and Julia (or whatever the title is!) too. A friend and I are trying to plan it and I am determined to not let anything get in the way. Have a great day :)

  3. K..I LOVE that song of Dave's. I love the part where he says..."and when the kids are old enough...we're gonna teach them to FLY!!!" You are doing that! You are teaching a lot of others to fly too dear! Keep it up. xoxo chrissy
    (hurry october!)

  4. I am craving some of what you got going on! You are putting me into a good mood. So glad I stopped by. Yeah it is hump day! Only two more days and a long weekend! That is also what I am craving, a long weekend.


  5. I love your pictures!! Talking about Julie and Julia, I went to see it last week and I absolutely loved it!! Meryl Streep is my favorite actress along with Kate Winslet, they're my top 2, but let me tell you, I'm loving Amy Adams too!!
    Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog :)
    I always enjoy reading yours!


i heart love notes....