Here is a picture of whom I consider to be my "biggest fans".
My two youngest daughters. They always seem to appreciate my artwork and tell me how good it is, etc... In other words...they keep me going, they help me to believe in myself, to strive to continue to learn new things, to continue to paint, to create, and give me continual inspiration.
I believe (or at least hope) we all have these special souls in our lives. Whether it be our children, grandchildren, siblings, parents, spouses, friends, fellow bloggers...
Who are YOUR biggest fans??? Think about it...who inspires you? compliments you? helps keep you going? appreciates what you are putting out into our world? challenges you? Thank them today...call them, email them, face book them, text them, message them on their blogs.
For, in my opinion, if it wasn't for our "fans" would we all be driven to continue what we are doing? Would we feel supported, challenged, inspired? Thank them...let them know what they mean to you and your creative spirit!